Mere months after former Sonic Youth bassist and songwriter Kim Gordon led her experimental noise duo Body/Head to the backroom theater at BSP, Sonic Youth’s guitarist, principal songwriter and nominal frontman does same: Thurston Moore brings New Noise Guitar Explorations to BSP on Friday, November 2. Moore hasn’t slowed down much in the post-SY years. Efforts like 2017’s Rock N Roll Consciousness are worthy and listenable extensions of Sonic Youth’s innovations: expansive, exploratory guitar rock that teases with pop built off a bed of VU cool, and then takes you as far out into sonic agitations and novel guitar abuse as you care to go.
In New Noise Guitar Explorations, Moore focuses on the 12-string guitar. He is joined by James Sedwards (who has been playing in Moore’s band since 2014), by longtime associate Sonic Youth drummer Steve Shelley and, as if to make this unbearably huge for fans of avant-noise rock, My Bloody Valentine’s Deb Googe. Music critic and spoken-word artist Byron Coley is on hand for some spiel.
Tickets cost $20 in advance, $25 at the door.
Thurston Moore
Friday, Nov. 2,
8 p.m.
BSP Backroom
323 Wall St.