“When you loved someone
and had to let them go, there will always be that small part
of yourself that whispers,
‘What was it that you wanted
and why didn’t you fight for it?’”
– Shannon L. Alder
Birding workshop for kids and their parents at Kingston Library
Think libraries have gone to the birds? Well, this time you might be right! On Thursday, May 10 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., you’ll be as happy as a lark to catch Mark DeDea at the Kingston Library sharing all about birds! (Don’t wing it; after the presentation, make him tweet with laughter at your favorite bird puns!) Mark makes learning fun, and has taught me so much about birds that he just quacks me up. I’m proud as a peacock every time I recognize a bird – or even a birdcall – owl by myself (“Chicka-dee-dee-dee…” “Who-cooks-for-you?”).
In a workshop geared for squeakers ages 6 to 13, Mark will help participants create a book of local birds of Kingston and cover topics such as optics, field guides and birdseed. Parents are encouraged to attend, too! This program is free and open to the public.
The Kingston Library is located at 55 Franklin Street in Kingston, as the crow flies. For more information, call (845) 331-0507, extension 7 or visit www.kingstonlibrary.org. To learn more about Mark’s world, visit http://forsythnaturecenter.org and http://jbnhs.org.
Then, for more animal action, come back on Saturday, May 12 from 1 to 2 p.m. for Two by Two Zoo’s Wild World of Animals, featuring a kangaroo, a ring-tailed lemur, a large rabbit, a blue-and-gold macaw parrot plus a tortoise, a snake and more! To learn more about the Saturday presenters, visit www.twobytwozoo.com.
Dances of Universal Peace in Hudson
As Mother’s Day was inspired by peace (see an excerpt of Julia Ward Howe’s proclamation below), it’s only fitting to do some peace dancing! This Friday, May 11 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Sadhana Center, join Dances of Universal Peace. Led by certified dance leaders along with live musicians, all ages and abilities are encouraged to participate in dances from a variety of traditions.
While your body expresses peace, recall these words of Julia Ward Howe in 1870: “Arise, then, women of this day! Arise all women who have hearts, whether our baptism be that of water or of tears! … We women of one country will be too tender of those of another country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs. From the bosom of the devastated Earth a voice goes up with our own. It says ‘Disarm, Disarm!’ The sword of murder is not the balance of justice.”
Admission is by donation. The Sadhana Center is located on the third floor at 403 Warren Street in Hudson. For more information, call (518) 860-3108 or e-mail farid@taconic.net. To learn more about this international experience, visit www.dancesofuniversalpeace.org.
Fly like an eagle
I wanna fly like an eagle / To the sea / Fly like an eagle /Let my spirit carry me
– Steve Miller Band
Are your fledglings ready for an out-of-the-nest morning? Do they fantasize about flying like an eagle? Young Eagles Day takes place this Saturday, May 12 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Kingston/Ulster Airport, featuring free 20-minute local plane rides for kids ages 8 to 17. Topics also include airport safety, airplanes and aviation. The Kingston/Ulster Airport is located at 1161 Flatbush Road in Kingston. For more information, call (845) 594-1651, e-mail mastercfi@yahoo.com or visit http://youngeagles.org.
KTD in Woodstock hosts Spring Family Day
Healthy living, chi gong, tara dance, sound meditation, gardening, a nature walk for medicinal herbs: must mean it’s Spring Family Day at the Karma Triyana Dharmachakra (KTD) or Woodstock Monastery! This Saturday, May 12 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., the entire family will enjoy arts, storytelling and more. All activities are free, but registration is required. A vegetarian lunch is available for $10, or bring your own.
KTD is located at 335 Meads Mountain Road in Woodstock. For more information, to register or to arrange for lodging, call (845) 679-5906, e-mail jan@kagyu.org or visit https://bit.ly/2IhmZ83.
Spring Fever Family Day at Poughkeepsie Farm Project
“Worms Rule!” “Pollinator Power!” “Eat the Rainbow!” Workshop titles like these can only mean one thing: It’s Spring Fever Family Day and Book Fair. This Saturday, May 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., bring the whole family to the Poughkeepsie Farm Project to welcome spring and celebrate nature. So many activities, like making seedballs and nature body-paint and special workshops, like “All about Donkeys!” Spring Fever is free and open to the public of all ages, and donations are gratefully accepted.
The Poughkeepsie Farm Project is located at 51 Vassar Farm Lane in Poughkeepsie. For a complete list of workshops, activities, free transportation and more, call (845) 516-1100 or visit www.farmproject.org/springfever.
Spring and Garden Fair at Kingston’s Senate House
Macklemore and Kesha sing about the “good ol’ days,” and this weekend, you and your family can enjoy some fun from the “Coloni-ol’ days.” “Preparing for a New Year: An 18th-Century Spring and Garden Fair” at the Senate House takes place this Saturday, May 12 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. See demos of sheepshearing, spinning and bee-keeping, as well as 18th-century magic and hearthside cooking. Make a kite, play 18th-century games and try a thirst-quenching blast-from-the-past beverage (“Is ‘switchel’ okay?”).
The Spring and Garden Fair is free and open to the public of all ages. The Senate House is located at 296 Fair Street in Kingston. For more information, call (845) 338-2786.
Make-your-own kaleidoscope
“I got offered a job at a kaleidoscope company…I’m looking into it.”
If it has been a while since you have gazed at beautiful colors spinning around, creating a feeling of being in another dimension, then perhaps you’d like to head to the Emerson Resort and Spa. This Saturday, May 12 from 1 to 4 p.m., it’s all about kaleidoscopes! Learn the history of these turning tubes, basic reflection and mirror systems; and kids can even create your own! Adults 18 and older cost $50 per person, and kids can craft a kaleidoscope at $16.50 per kit, along with guided instruction. Reservations are required for this entertaining event.
The Emerson Resort and Spa is located at 5340 Route 28 in Mount Tremper. For reservations or more information, call (845) 688-2828 or visit https://bit.ly/2wifRna.
Community Free Day at Olana on Mothers’ Day
The Olana State Historic Site is free today? Oh, yes!
On Sunday, May 13 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed on break from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.), head to Hudson for a Mothers’ Day Community Free Day. The first 500 guests to register will even be able to tour the Olana for free! Everyone can take landscape tours, workshops are available, live music is performed, special discounts are highlighted in the gift shop and much more.
The Mothers’ Day Community Free Day is open to the public of all ages, and advance registration is required for the tours. Bring a picnic and make a day of it! The Olana State Historic Site is located at 5720 Route 9G in Hudson. For reservations or more information, call (518) 828-0135 or visit www.olana.org/communityday.
Mothers’ Day Loop Hike at Sam’s Point
Are you in the loop? About Mothers’ Day, that is? Because this Sunday, May 13 at the Minnewaska State Park Preserve at Sam’s Point, you are invited to join in the Mothers’ Day Loop Hike around the Lake for Families! This three-mile hike around Lake Maratanza promises amazing views and a terrific couple of hours outdoors. You can even put your “I” in “hike” by choosing your preferred time: 10 a.m. to noon, or 1 to 3 p.m. This walk is free and open to the public of all ages, and parking costs $10 per vehicle. Reservations are encouraged.
Sam’s Point is located at 400 Sam’s Point Road in Cragsmoor. For reservations or more information, call (845) 647-7989 or visit https://on.ny.gov/2FSjQpP.
MAY 14
#blackstoriesmatter @KingstonHighSchool
This Monday, clear your calendar and bring your teens to #blackstoriesmatter @KingstonHighSchool. This series of personal readings by black students at Kingston High School was facilitated by the TMI Project, and this performance is an opportunity to express their thoughts, feelings and experiences: all essential components to “address the impact of racism on our students and families,” per Amy Kapes, KHS social worker, Dignity for All Students Coordinator and PBIS [Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports] coach. #blackstoriesmatter @KingstonHighSchool takes place on Monday, May 14 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Kingston High School auditorium, and is free and open to the public.
Kingston High School is located at 403 Broadway in Kingston. For more information, visit www.tmiproject.org/performances or https://bit.ly/2FSjX4J.
Erica Chase-Salerno sends a shout-out to her mother, mother-in-law and mothers and mother-figures everywhere. She can be reached at kidsalmanac@ulsterpublishing.com.