“The best thing I ever did was to decide to make peace with discomfort, to embrace, move towards it even.
My life has expanded in unimaginable ways since I’ve come to the understanding that discomfort
should not be catered to when making life decisions.”
– Tameka Ramsey, Kingston
BSP hosts Hudson Valley Circus Arts Student Showcase
You attend your kids’ concerts, play performances and sports competitions; here’s an event where your family can relax and enjoy an awesome and unique show by their peers. On Thursday, February 22 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Hudson Valley Circus Arts presents its Student Showcase at BSP. You’ll see riveting acts performed by all ages using aerial silks, lyra, AcroYoga and hula-hooping. Admission costs $15 online, $20 at the door, and volunteers and kids under age 6 get in free.
BSP is located at 323 Wall Street in Kingston. For tickets, to volunteer or for more information, call (845) 377-3393, e-mail hudsonvalleycircusarts@gmail.com or visit http://bit.ly/2omcDaM or http://bit.ly/2EHxL2j.
Owl Prowl at Catskill Interpretive Center
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Who who?
Are you an owl?
Calling all Hedwig fans! Sure, you’re fond of this famous bird in Harry Potter’s life, but what do you actually know about these amazing birds in real life? For example, what do you call a group of owls? (A parliament.) Do all owls hoot? (Nope.) This one is for Forsyth Nature Center caretaker and birder extraordinaire Mark DeDea: What is a bird’s favorite Beatles song? (“Owl You Need Is Love.”)
Want more owl info? Great: Read on, and “Owl” share this event that’s sure to be a real hoot! Join the Owl Prowl at the Maurice D. Hinchey Catskill Interpretive Center this Friday, February 23 from 6 to 6:30 p.m. It’s free and open to the public ages 10 and up, but participants must be able to tolerate the cold and quiet stillness required during the walk to find these nocturnal navigators. Registration is appreciated.
The Catskill Interpretive Center is located at 5096 Route 28 in Mount Tremper. For more information or to register, call (845) 688-3369 or visit http://bit.ly/2HwJpio.
Keep in mind the Center’s upcoming events, such as the Blue Moon Snow Frolic on Thursday, March 1 from 7 to 9 p.m., including skiing or snowshoeing on nature trails (bring your own gear), hot chocolate and moongazing through the provided telescopes, and another Owl Prowl on Friday, March 2: http://catskillinterpretivecenter.org/cic-events.
Kingston Library hosts West African Music workshop
Why should you and your family head over to the Kingston Library this weekend? Nigerian drummer Babatunde Olatunji said it all right here: “Where I come from we say that rhythm is the soul of life, because the whole universe revolves around rhythm, and when we get out of rhythm, that’s when we get into trouble.”
On Saturday, February 24 at 10:30 a.m., take in a morning of culture and fun: West African Music with percussionist and musician/drummer Amadou Diallo. At this event, free and open to the public of all ages, families will learn about Senegaleseculture, hear West African music and then get to try drumming themselves!
The Kingston Library is located at 55 Franklin Street in Kingston. For more information, call (845) 331-0507, extension 7 or visit www.kingstonlibrary.org. To learn more about the presenter, visit https://about.me/amadou.diallo.
WSW Child Bowl Fiesta at SUNY-Ulster
When I say “bowl,” what does your mind associate with it? Super? Cherries? Gutterball? Here’s what I’m thinking about: the Women’s Studio Workshop’s 21st annual Chili Bowl Fiesta! This highly anticipated event takes place this Saturday, February 24 at the SUNY-Ulster dining hall, with $5 early admission from 2 to 4 p.m. and free admission from 4 to 7 p.m. With bowls at every price point, or disposable if you just want to focus on the food (amazing local vegan, vegetarian or con carne chili offerings) and live music from In the Kitchen, this is a good time for all ages. But don’t believe me; take it from Albert Einstein: “A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit […or chili?] and a violin; what else does one need to be happy?”
SUNY-Ulster is located at 491 Cottekill Road in Stone Ridge. For more information, call (845) 658-9133 or visit https://wsworkshop.org/chili-bowl18. To learn more about the band, visit https://musicinthekitchen.bandcamp.com/releases.
Family Day at Dorsky spotlights contemporary African art
Have you visited Nigeria, South Africa or Ethiopia lately? How about Senegal? I can help. But leave your passports at home; this is cultural exploration via art! You don’t even have to leave the 845.
On Sunday, February 25 at 2 p.m. at the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art at SUNY-New Paltz, hang out with your kids for Family Day. Participants will tour “Abstract Minded: Works by Six Contemporary African Artists,” followed by music and storytelling with percussionist and musician/drummer Amadou Diallo from Senegal. The featured artists are Osi Audu, Nicholas Hlobo, Serge Alain Nitegeka, Odili Donald Odita, Nnenna Okore and Elias Sime. This program is open to the public of all ages, but preregistration is required.
SUNY-New Paltz is located at 1 Hawk Drive in New Paltz. For reservations or more information, call (845) 257-3844 or visit www.newpaltz.edu/museum/learn/familydays. To learn more about the exhibit, visit http://bit.ly/2EHZwvC.
Coming soon
Abilities First flashmob
Do you enjoy a good flashmob video? Ever wish you could be a part of one? Here’s your chance to have some fun with your family while celebrating the services offered by Abilities First. Abilities First seeks to enrich the lives of children and adults with any sort of disability: developmental, intellectual, physical, mental and more.
“Show the world you’ve got that fire,” and dance to Meghan Trainor’s “Better When I’m Dancin’.” You can learn the moves right here: http://bit.ly/2ESbjXA. The flashmob takes place at 1:30 p.m., during the Abilities First Showcase of Resources for Enrichment and Inclusion on Saturday, March 10 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Poughkeepsie Galleria. The showcase and the flashmob are free and open to the public of all ages and abilities.
The Poughkeepsie Galleria is located at 2001 South Road in Poughkeepsie. For more information about sponsorship or vendor opportunities, or a complete schedule of showcase activities, call (845) 485-9803, extension 215, or visit http://bit.ly/2BEWDsJ or http://bit.ly/2BDh9dn.
Register now for YMCA Indoor Triathlon
You know what they say: If at first you don’t succeed, tri-, tri- again. Tr-iathlon, that is! For all of you ages 12 and up dreaming of completing a triathlon, but have never done it before, or for you avid athletes who want to jumpstart your racing season, the YMCA Indoor Triathlon is perfect for everyone. On Sunday, March 4 beginning at 8 a.m., the Ulster County YMCA invites you to compete at 15-minute swim, 20-minute bike and 20-minute track runs. Enter on your own, or you can create a relay team. Don’t worry about finicky weather: This event takes place inside, baby!
Registration costs $40 for Y members, $50 for not-yet-members, and it all benefits the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign. Sign up now, because there are no registrations accepted on the day of the event. The Ulster County YMCA is located at 507 Broadway in Kingston. For more information or to register, call (845) 338-3810 or visit http://bit.ly/2GvWF5y. Can’t participate this year? Your donations are welcome: Click on http://bit.ly/2oeWbtV. To learn more about the Ulster County YMCA and its programs for all ages, visit www.ymcaulster.org.