Upstate Film’s Engage series screens films that touch upon themes and issues of social justice, accompanying the screening with live panel discussions. Attendees leave Engage events with actionable steps that they can take to address the issues presented in the films, and all proceeds from the screenings are donated to various local activist groups.
The Engage series resumes on Saturday, November 4 at 11 a.m. with a showing of the documentary Dramatic Escape by local filmmaker Nick Quested. Dramatic Escape concerns the Rehabilitation through Arts (RTA) program. It transports viewers into the lives of maximum-security prisoners at Sing Sing in Ossining as they mount a stage production of A Few Good Men. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion with both RTA teachers and former inmate actors.
The suggested donation is $10. Upstate Films is located at 6415 Montgomery Street in Rhinebeck. For more information, visit http://upstatefilms.org.