Later this summer or early fall work will begin on adding a new walkway out to the historic Saugerties Lighthouse, shoring up its foundation, and restoring the seawall that protects the building. At the August 21 village trustees meeting, officials voted to authorize mayor William Murphy to sign a contract with the contractor who submits the lowest bid. The bids were due this Thursday, August 24.
The trustees’ approval is contingent on the successful bid coming in for the money set aside for the work or less, and on approval of the governor’s office on storm recovery.
These repairs are part of the village’s plan to use a portion of $3 million from a state award to help the village recover from past storms and mitigate future problems from hurricanes. The lighthouse foundation and seawall were damaged from storms Lee and Sandy, and the state made funds available to communities for storm recovery.
The Lighthouse Conservancy has also received a $175,000 Hurricane Sandy disaster relief assistance grant for historic properties from the National Park Service.
Trustees agree in advance to allow the mayor to sign a contract when the bids come in so that work can begin this fall.