New Paltz Town Supervisor Neil Bettez believes that Moriello Pool could be operational as soon as June 17, if the work laid out proceeds smoothly. Board members held an emergency board meeting Monday night, May 15 to approve a prepayment of $5,250 to JD Masonry, representing a 50% down payment, for prep work needed before the new liner can be installed. Holding an emergency meeting for that sole purpose could be the difference between opening that weekend, or not until June 24.
Moriello Pool is traditionally opened for the Memorial Day holiday weekend, and then Saturdays and Sundays only until public schools are closed, meaning seven days a week as of June 24.
Every day is critical at this point in the season. The masonry work will take about a week, and the liner itself is expected to take two more weeks to install. It takes a full week to fill the pool, and then there’s an indeterminate number of days to balance the chemicals. Filling is done slowly because town workers have discovered that using larger hoses results in sediment on the pool floor, and resolving that issue eats up any gains made. Bettez said he’s turning to Bleu Terwilliger, the village’s public works supervisor, for advice on ways to shorten the fill time.