Congressman John Faso (R-Kinderhook) plans to vote today for the Affordable Health Care Act [AHCA], the House Republican bill to replace the Affordable Care Act.
“After careful review of the changes to the American Health Care Act, I believe that this legislation addresses my concerns and I will support the AHCA as amended,” said Faso in a release.
The congressman had planned on voting in favor of an earlier version of the bill back in March after touting a provision that would shift Medicaid costs from counties to the state, which he said would save money. That provision is still part of the bill.
The main change in the bill involves more the money from the federal government for states to subsidize coverage for the sickest citizens.
An earlier version of the bill was estimated by the Congressional Budget Office to result in 24 million Americans losing health insurance due to increased costs. The bill removes the individual mandate to purchase insurance coverage, reduces the level of mandatory coverage, allows insurers to charge different rates based on “health status”, cuts Medicaid, swaps mainly income-based subsidies for mainly age-based tax credits for those buying insurance on the individual market, and includes numerous tax cuts.