This weekend brings both the switch to Daylight Savings Time and the Full Moon. That means that, weather permitting, Sunday evening will be an auspicious time to watch the sun go down and the moon rise shortly thereafter from a lovely perch with a 360-degree view in a park that you may not yet have discovered.
The highest point in the Town of Poughkeepsie, located at 34 Edgewood Drive, just off the Salt Point Turnpike, Peach Hill Park will be the panoramic destination for this Sunset Hike organized by the Mid-Hudson Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club. The group will meet at 5:45 p.m. (still daylight!) on March 12 at the park entrance, and follow easy, rolling trails through an abandoned apple orchard to reach the summit. There the group will linger to read some short poems aloud, then watch the sunset before heading back by moonlight. (Bring a flashlight for the rougher spots.)
For more info or to sign up, call AMC’s Sue Mackson at (845) 471-9892 or