Say what you will, them resisters are a hardy breed. About 400 educators, children and supporters showed up Saturday on Kingston’s Academy Green during a wind-whipped sub-freezing afternoon to protest against the lack of state funding for New York public schools.
“Sign the check! Sign the check!” they chanted. The check to which they referred was for the funding the Alliance for Quality Education says the public schools had been promised by the state.They wanted Governor Andrew Cuomo to sign the $3.9-billion Foundation Aid payment.
A lively band called the Tin Horn Players performed. Speakers linked Governor Andrew Cuomo with President Donald Trump’s education secretary Betsy Devos in siphoning off funds from the public schools to private and charter schools. Then The People’s March for Educational Justice marched down Broadway, signs and all, to Kingston High School. A cadre of the group will then continue a walk to Albany to further publicize their cause.