I love winter. It is so fresh and beautiful and sparkling white. In winter you get stuck inside a lot, though, and that can be boring. So I cooked up some ideas that you can do for entertainment. I really hope you think my ideas are worth trying.
You can watch cool movies and TV. I recently saw Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Twice. I love Star Wars! Or you could watch holiday movies. It’s up to you and your family. I personally like the CW shows The Flash, The Arrow, Supergirl and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.
But don’t watch too much TV! It’s not healthy.
Another option is reading. I love to read all year long! I highly recommended Barner Books in New Paltz, Half Moon Books in Kingston, and Inquiring Minds, which has places in Saugerties and New Paltz. I have always enjoyed and particularly recommend books by authors Rick Riordan, JK Rowling, William Joyce and Lemony Snicket. I particularly enjoy Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus and Magnus Chase series. Other kids like the Kane Chronicles, also by Rick Riordan, but I don’t. All of these series are about various ancient cultures’ mythologies:. Greek, Roman, Norse and Egyptian.
You could also read comic books. There is an eclectic comic shop called October Country in New Paltz. I think the Batman Gotham Adventures are very interesting comics for young Batman fans. I also enjoy The Flash Season Zero graphic novels. They are based off the CW show I mentioned above.
Cooking is also a very useful use of wintertime. Mostly in the winter I bake cookies! Who doesn’t like cookies? (Well, my mom doesn’t, but she likes cupcakes, a good alternative). You could bake any kind of cookies: sugar, gingerbread, chocolate chip, oatmeal, even just plain chocolate. Baking keeps you toasty and warm.
You can also play board games. Any board game is fun! Candy Land, Crazy Phrases, Chinese checkers . I also think the game Life is good practice for adult life. Card games are pretty fun as well. Uno, anyone? Gin rummy, perhaps?
You could always play outside. It is cold outdoors, but bundle up and dive right in! You could throw an epic snowball fight. War! Building and dressing up snowmen (or snowwomen) is always fun.
You can slide down the hills on sleds. The winter wonderland sled hill in Woodstock is always a great place! Another sledding spot is Burger Hill in Rhinebeck. Each town has a good sledding spot, I think.
At the end of the day you can make a swagilicious snow house, cool and comfortable. It is a great place to chillax. You can make all the features of a real house only out of soft snow. I really like that.
Being out doesn’t necessarily mean being outside. There are many activities in the area. You can go ice skating in Saugerties. A really great activity is going to Bounce in Poughkeepsie. The whole place is practically a big trampoline. I had a birthday party there once, and it was awesome!
There are many great bowling places in the area. There is Patel’s Bowling in Kingston. They even have cosmic bowling at night, but I haven’t done that yet.
I really enjoyed writing this article for you to read. It kept me busy on a snowy winter day. I hope that you got as much pleasure from reading this as I got from writing it. Thank you for reading my ideas!