Assemblyman Pete Lopez will host an education forum in Saugerties next Wednesday, May 18 at 6 p.m. at the high school auditorium in Saugerties. The forum will focus on Common-Core issues and developing best practices for education reform. It is open to the public.
“The rollout of Common Core has put undue pressure on our schools and children,” said assemblyman Lopez in his press release. “The program was rushed out to obtain federal funding through the ‘Race to the Top’ program without proper vetting or a proper timetable for implementation. We must now address the many issues Common Core poses for our children, teachers and education administrators, and that is the focus of our forums.”
Co-hosting the event will be Dr. Peg Luksik. “We are very lucky to have Dr. Peg Luksik joining us for these forums,” said the press release from assemblyman Lopez. “Dr. Luksik has more than 35 years of experience in special education and elementary education and she has taught at every level from pre-school to college.” He termed her “uniquely qualified to discuss these issues.”
“Any time is a good time to talk about changes in the mission of public education,” Luksik is quoted as saying. The forum topics will address standardized testing, today’s learning in the globalized world, school to work, and school funding and equity.
Marguerite “Peg” Ann McKenna Luksik is identified in Wikipedia as “a conservative politician, perennial candidate, pro-life campaigner, and Constitution Party activist in Pennsylvania.” She and Jason E. High founded the Center for American Heritage, a non-profit dedicated to restoring America’s unique heritage.
There will also be a question-and-answer session at the end of the Saugerties forum. For more information, please call Tatiana Boba in Lopez’s Schoharie office at 518-295-7250.