It’s time for youngsters to go out into the garden and start digging up night crawlers to help catch some of the 300 trout that will soon be dumped into the Blue Mountain Reservoir for the annu

al kids’ fishing tournament. The tournament will be held on Saturday, May 21, with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m., and fishing running between 9 a.m. and noon.
Sponsored by the Saugerties Rod and Gun Club, which pays to stock the reservoir, the event is run in conjunction with the village water department, which opens the reservoir to fishing just once a year.
Mike Hopf, water department superintendent, promised prizes for the smallest fish, biggest fish, and most fish caught in a number of age groups.
The event is rain or shine, and no pets are allowed on reservoir property. For more information contact the club at or call 246-3263.