On any given day in the village of Saugerties, you might run across Chloë Saban-Mayor strolling down Main St. Chloë was born in England and lived in Mexico and New York City before moving to Saugerties. An artist by trade, Saban-Mayor has worked as a fabric and wallpaper designer but is now focused on pet portraits. She has lived in the village with her husband, artist Robert George, and their son since 2011.
What makes Saugerties unique?
Well, village life is all new to me. It’s not the country, it’s not the city. It has a different feel to it and I’ve never lived anywhere else like it. When we were looking to relocate, one of the main attractions of Saugerties was the movie theater in the heart of the village. For some reason that stood out to me. Of course I then had a baby and didn’t make it to the theater for three years and now it’s only to see children’s movies, but I like that it’s there.
What do you like most about this community?
Saugerties has a vitality and charm to it. There is a lot going on for such a small town. Being a non-driver, I find that many of the conveniences I am looking for are easily accessible to me. I can get my groceries at Price Chopper and Mother Earth’s and I can run to the post office. It’s a functional village.
What’s the biggest issue Saugerties needs to address?
Not too long ago I would have said the intersection of Main St. and Partition St. The lack of walk signals and crosswalks. It was terrifying. Every time I took my son for a walk it was like taking my life in my hands, especially because the stroller goes out into the intersection first. There was never “my turn” to cross the street. I am so glad that they’ve added those signals.
Currently, I would say the sidewalks are a problem. I understand the predicament here. There is something to be said about the old stones that they use. It adds a charm and preserves the history but it is rough to walk on and even harder to navigate with a stroller.
What’s your idea of a perfect Saturday?
I’d start my day by going to the Farmers Market and then going to brunch. We like Miss Lucy’s for brunch. On a nice day I love walking out to the lighthouse. It’s beautiful out there. I also like walking down and seeing the falls behind Diamond Mills. That sounds like a good Saturday to me.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
A teacher. I think it’s really a very important job. It might not sound glamorous but you get to shape the lives of young children. I like that.
Do you have any heroes?
Yes. My great-grandmother. She lived during three centuries and she was an incredibly strong woman. She expressed her love through small, yet powerful gestures. She was smart, funny, sly and extremely social, right up until her death in 2000. She had an incredible life full of insane adventure yet she was always grounded. I am greatly impacted by her and will always admire her for her subtlety, grace, strength and wisdom.
Do you have a favorite motto or quote?
Lately, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” I’ve come across some challenges recently, challenges that I didn’t know I could face and handle so well. I found a strength in myself that I didn’t know existed.
What was the last good book that you read?
It’s actually a book by a local author. A memoir called “A Three Dog Life” by Abigail Thomas. Great book.
What would you tell someone considering relocating to Saugerties?
This is a great community with a lot going for it. There is a bit more edge here than you might expect. It has the convenience of being close to New York City and it also has all the activities and attractions that come with living near the mountains. Most of the people I know who live here, they’re happy to be here.