The Washington and Main intersection that was redone when the new traffic light was installed continues to cause headaches.
First it was poor drainage and standing water. Then it was sensor issues leading to lighting fast green-light cycles. Now it’s the curb extensions called “bumpouts,” a safety feature that makes pedestrians more visible by extending the sidewalk area into the intersection. The problem is there isn’t enough room for the UCAT bus to make its stop.
Kevin Morgan, who can be spotted daily hiking around the village with his flowing hair, tie-dyed tee shirt and walking stick, told village trustees at their July 20 meeting that because of the bumpout on Washington Ave., the UCAT bus is forced to stop out in the middle of the street rather than against the curb, which is safer.
Eyal Saad, village subcode official, said if the bus driver stops where he is supposed to, then the bus would not be able to pull back out on the road because of the bumpout.
Mayor William Murphy said the village has continually voiced concerns with the bumpouts. “But anytime we complain, the state tells us to go ‘scratch.’”
Murphy said the village would continue to battle with the state to get rid of the bumpouts. Morgan suggested the village use a plow truck to hit them during winter. Trustees thought that might be a good solution but stopped short of endorsing it.
Morgan also brought up another bus stop problem. He said motorists park in the bus stop area on West Bridge St.
Robert Fanelli, superintendent of the Department of Public Works, said he’ll take a look at that stop once West Bridge is repaved and will put up signage if necessary.