SUNY New Paltz will host “Challenging the Attacks on Public Education: Carrying on the Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement” on March 3 at 7 p.m. in the Coykendall science auditorium on the New Paltz campus. The program is free and open to the public. While corporate education policymakers claim to be advocates of civil rights, their policies have instead undermined the civil and human rights of students, parents, educators and local communities. The legacy of the civil rights movement to challenge injustice calls on people today to oppose high-stakes testing, inequitable school funding and the privatization of public education. Speakers will discuss this legacy and the test refusal movement today.
Panelists include: Dr. Yohuru Williams, professor of history, Fairfield University and education activist; Beth Dimino, Comsewogue, Long Island teacher, conscientious test objector; and Dr. Nicholas Tampio, associate professor of political science, Fordham University and parent.
For further information, contact Nancy Schniedewind at 257-2827, schniedn@newpaltz.edu or go to https://rethinkingtestingmidhudson.blogspot.com.