In Shandaken, terms expire this year for the supervisor, two council members, and the town clerk. Councilman Vin Bernstein has declared he will not seek reelection. “I’m done,” he said. “I’ve always said I believe in term limits. Two terms, eight years, is enough. It was enlightening and good to see how local government works. I’m glad I did it, and I hope I made some changes for the better. Some folks might not think so, but you can’t please all the people all the time, and I did the best job I could.”
Supervisor Rob Stanley and councilman Alfie Higley both said they have not yet decided whether to run again in the fall. “I’m not going to make that decision till the caucus,” said Higley. “I’ve got other things I’m working on, and I just haven’t made up my mind.”
Stanley commented, “I’m not sure yet. I haven’t made any decision as such.”
Town clerk Joyce Grant, however, wants to hold onto her seat. “There are more projects I’d like to do, getting information out through the town,” she said. “There’s more money to save, more streamlining to get done.”
Grant is a Democrat, while Stanley, Bernstein, and Higley all ran on the Republican ticket.