A Woodstock Christmas usually begins in the late afternoon of Christmas Eve, this year, Wednesday, December 24, as people begin making their way to the Village Green in time for Santa Claus’ arrival, somewhere between 5:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. The streets are closed off and many folks see friends that are often not glimpsed out and about, or friendly strangers who arrive to see what it’s all about.
And then Santa arrives, and it’s always in a different fashion, though a step back has been taken from the daredevil years of flying VW buses. Stockings are stuffed for all of the children (and to-go editions for those who can’t make it) and cheer baskets, food baskets are there to brighten up the holiday for many. Carolers sing, bells ring and the holiday makes its entrance.
Holiday Party at Overlook Methodist
The following day is the Woodstock Holiday Party, open to all, though this year it will be held in the Overlook United Methodist Church (233 Tinker Street, out on the Bearsville flats of Route 212) because of the renovation of the town’s Community Center. The party lasts from 1 p.m.-4 p.m. and there will be music, food, gifts for children and a sense of closeness as the community gathers you up into its arms and keeps you warm for the holiday.
Roxy Dawn started it more than 20 years ago and had to pull back from running it and then its heroine, Toni Weidenbacher tirelessly grabbed the helm and has been giving for the duration. She is ably helped by Chip Brill and Renee Englander and a host of caring volunteers whose Christmas is all tied up in helping others to celebrate.
If you’ve a mind to, they still could use some kitchen, set up, serving and cleanup help. And you can still drop toys (new, please) and chips and cookies for the part at Woofstock Pet Supply on Elwyn Lane, diagonally behind Cumberland Farms. If you want to help or need something, call Toni at 679-7281. Otherwise, enjoy yourself.