Jenkinstown Day Spa is hosting its second annual bra-decorating contest this October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Entrants can show support for breast cancer research with a little touch of creativity. Contest organizers request that participants start turning in their decorated bras on a hanger through the month of October. The deadline is October 31. Please include your name, phone number and title of your entry. Bring your creations to Jenkinstown Day Spa, located at 45 Jenkinstown Road in New Paltz, Wednesday through Sunday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. A $10 donation/entry fee is suggested. All money will go to the American Cancer Society.
The bras will be on display all month. On Sunday, November 9, visit the spa from 2 to 4 p.m. for wine and cheese and vote for your favorite entry. Spa-themed prizes will be awarded.
For additional information, call 255-3160.