Thanks for supporting fishing tourney
On behalf of the Saugerties Fish & Game Club I would like to extend a huge thank you to all those in the community who supported our third annual Saugerties Youth Fishing Tournament held on May 18. We had beautiful weather for over 80 children and their families to enjoy a great day of fishing at the Blue Mountain reservoir.
Our prize winners were:
Age 7 and under: First place—Garry Cowan, Second place—Payton Warden, Third place—Tim Green
Age 8 to 11: First place—Megan Elbadwi; Second place—Isaac West; Third place—Gabby Gambino
Age 12 to 15: First place—Muiyu Stoll; Second place—Sophie Gambino; Third place—Kyle Hartrum
The smallest fish prizes in each category went to Kenny Wamsley, Aiden Sprance and Nick Bruck, all with respectable brown trout of their own.
Thanks to the support of many area business and individuals we were able to stock the reservoir ahead of the event and provide prizes, souvenirs, food and water, all at no cost to the participants. Graciously supporting our event were: Benson Steel, Blue Mountain Snacks, Bob Conklin, Boy Scouts of America Troop 31, Cliff Tienken , Fleisher’s Meats, Gander Mountain, Glasco Abstract, Inc., Lezette Express, Lox of Bagels, Mickey’s Igloo 3, Mowers and More, NY Dollar, Price Chopper, Renos Auto Repair, Saugerties Lions Club, Saugerties Outfitters, Sawyer Motors, Sawyer Savings Bank, Stella’s Station, Stone Pony Deli & Catering and Ulster Savings Bank. A special thank you goes out to Mike Hopf and the village of Saugerties for opening the reservoir and making this event possible, and to the dedicated members of the Saugerties Fish and Game Club who work so hard to make it a great day for the kids. I’m proud to be a member of a community that continues to foster outstanding recreational opportunities for our young residents.
Bill Schirmer
Youth Fishing chairman
Saugerties Fish & Game Club, Inc.
Support the Farmers Market
The grand opening of the Saugerties Farmers Market for the 2014 season took place on Saturday, May 24. The Saugerties Farmers Market is open from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. every Saturday throughout the summer, and it is located on Main St. (Rt. 9W) across the street from Cahill Elementary School. While I missed the ribbon-cutting ceremony, I walked around from 11:45 a.m.–2 p.m. and chatted with merchants and some of those who were in attendance. On Saturdays throughout the summer, be sure to come out to the Saugerties Farmers Market so you can buy local and support area merchants. It is a great place to enjoy the company of your neighbors and those visiting the community while purchasing products from merchants whose items originate from various locales throughout upstate New York.
Chris Allen
Ulster County Legislature
5K organizers thank community
We would like to thank the Saugerties community for its support of our inaugural Scholarship Fundraising 5K Run/Walk held on May 10. We had a great turnout of over 100 participants, the majority being Saugerties School District students.
Sponsors that donated food and prizes included:
Diamond Mills, New World Home Cooking, Lox of Bagels, Mirabella’s, Dallas Hot Wieners, Slices of Saugerties, Hudson Valley Desserts, Hudson Valley Mall, La Tua Bella, Dancing Tulips Flower Boutique, and Creekside Adornings.
We could not have such success without the efforts of our volunteers, including coaches, parents, school faculty and administration, maintenance and custodial staff and Booster Club members. Special thanks to HITS for allowing us to use the property for the course.
It was great to see all of the student athletes and their families run on what turned out to be a beautiful morning. We appreciate the community support for our student athletes, and our graduating athlete scholarship program. We hope to see you all for next year’s run.
Jeanette Geisler, President
Bill Creen, Vice President
Kathy Polizzi, Treasurer
Rosemarie LaTourette, Secretary
Saugerties High School Booster Club
Yard sale success
Saturday morning, May 17, the sun shone and in spite of wet grass and a little mud, the Spring Semi-Annual Yard Sale for the benefit of the Saugerties Animal Shelter was a huge success.
To chairpersons Carol Stahl and Jean Fellows, volunteers Audrey Gardner, Ann Levine, Lisa Wasserbach, Diane Snow, Deb Welle, and her friend, Pauline, and others whose names I’m not sure of, the members of the Blue Kats Men’s Club, who lent us their tables, and early Saturday morning carried out the merchandise and placed it, the staffs of the Animal Shelter and Transfer Station who assisted in carrying out and then at the end of the sale, helped pack away items and clean up the area, the “Famous Church Bakers” for their Pastry Booth and donating all sales proceeds, the local media and Saugerties supervisor and Town Board, to all my sincere thanks for your contribution of support, time and effort.
A very special thanks to the following: The contributors of items for sale. There were many nice and valuable items donated, ranging from books, tools, glassware, and furniture to a child’s wigwam. The browsers and buyers for their generosity and support. We could not have these sales if it were not for the donors and buyers. I am very blessed and grateful for your support.
To those of you who stopped by to wish me a Happy Birthday, thank you for your kind words and gifts for the shelter. See you in the fall, Saturday Oct. 18. Mark the date on your calendars!
Marie Post