“When you choose with discernment, integrity and passion, you submit yourself to the slow and unglamourous miracle of change.”
– John O’Donahue
Go green!
With St. Patrick’s Day only days away, why wait to get your Irish on? Here are three events that celebrate the Emerald Isle this weekend.
Celtic Heels Irish Dance in Rhinebeck on Saturday
On Saturday, March 1 at 11 a.m., Celtic Heels Irish Dance performs as part of the Saturday morning Family Series at the Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck. Enjoy jigs, reels and hornpipes choreographed to energetic, hand-clapping, toe-tapping instrumentals.
Tickets cost $7 for children, $9 for adults and seniors. The Center is located at 661 Route 308 in Rhinebeck. For tickets or more information, call (845) 876-3080 or visit https://centerforperformingarts.org. To learn more about the performers, visit www.celticheelsdance.com.
Fiddler Brian Conway at Newburgh Free Library on Sunday
Your older crew may enjoy this Sunday’s free concert at the Newburgh Free Library by New York native fiddler Brian Conway, who is especially known for his Sligo style of performing. The concert takes place on Saturday, March 1 at 3 p.m. The Newburgh Library is located at 124 Grand Street in Newburgh. For more information, call (845) 563-3600 or visit www.newburghlibrary.org. To learn more about the performer, visit www.brianconway.com.
St. Patrick’s Day parade in Wappingers Falls on Saturday
On Saturday, March 1 at 1 p.m., make your way to the Dutchess County St. Patrick’s Day parade, rain or shine. The parade route includes West Main Street from the Wappingers Falls Rural Cemetery to Route 9D, to South Mesier Avenue to Mesier Park. For more information, call (845) 297-0800 or visit www.dcsppc.org.
Got syrup?
Need a refresher on how many gallons of sap it takes to get a bottle of maple syrup? Looking for opportunities to engage your family in the New England tradition of sugaring? Here are some fun upcoming activities to check out.
Maple Story Time at Gardiner Library on Thursday
Check out the Making Maple Syrup Story Time for 4- and 5-year-olds at the Gardiner Library on Thursday, February 27 at 1:30 p.m. Special guest environmental educator Laura Conner from the Minnewaska State Park Preserve joins children’s librarian Amy Laber for stories about maple sugaring, learning what a maple tree looks like and a chance to see and touch old-style maple sugaring tools such as a bucket, tap and hand drill, followed by a maple tree craft.
Speaking of the Gardiner Library, save the date for Spanish Story Time with Ariana Mauceri on Saturday, March 8 at 11:30 a.m. This is a special opportunity for children to experience a second language or a mother tongue as a storytime event, including stories, songs and arts and crafts. All are welcome. The Gardiner Library is located at 133 Farmers’ Turnpike in Gardiner. For more information, call (845) 255-1255 or visit https://gardinerlibrary.org.
Maple goes Cajun at the Ashokan Center in Olivebridge on Saturday
Then there are the Maple Fest and Maple Gras at the Ashokan Center on Saturday, March 1. Maple Fest runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and activities include pancakes, singing and dancing with Jay Ungar and Molly Mason, a live performance by Mike + Ruthy, a puppet show with Grian McGregor and the Ivy Vine Players, maple sugaring demonstrations, a guided nature hike and blacksmithing. Ashokan Maple Gras is a Cajun-themed dinner and dance party from 4:30 to 10 p.m.
The Ashokan Center is located at 477 Beaverkill Road in Olivebridge. For complete ticket and pricing information and additional details, call (845) 657-8333 or visit https://ashokancenter.org.
Maple tours at Hudson Highlands Nature Museum in Cornwall
Opening Day for maple sugaring tours at the Hudson Highlands Nature Museum is Saturday, March 1 from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sixty-minute maple tours take place each weekend through March 22 and 23 at the Outdoor Discovery Center, every half-hour between 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Admission costs $10 for adults, $7 for children ages 3 to 11 years, with a $3 discount for museum members.
The Outdoor Discovery Center is located on Muser Drive, across from 174 Angola Road in Cornwall. For more information, call (845) 534-5506 or visit https://hhnaturemuseum.org.
Mohonk Preserve hosts Kids’ Day in the Sugarbush on Sunday
Kids’ Day in the Sugarbush at Mohonk Preserve for ages 4 and up happens on Sunday, March 9 from 1 to 3 p.m. Call now to reserve your spot, since this wonderful event always sells out. Admission costs $5 per person in addition to the Mohonk Preserve day fee. For reservations or more information, call (845) 255-0919 or visit https://mohonkpreserve.org.
Beauty and the Beast at West Point on Sunday
Belle’s strong, independent and smart personality will take center stage at West Point during this weekend’s performance of Beauty and the Beast on Sunday, March 2 at 3 p.m. at Eisenhower Hall. Tickets cost $41.
Use Stony Lonesome Gate off Route 9W or Thayer Gate in the Village of Highland Falls to access the West Point property, and leave plenty of extra time for the security check on the way in. For tickets or more information, call (845) 938-4159 or visit www.ikehall.com.
Get physical!
Here are three fun ways to get your family moving this weekend!
Kingston YMCA’s Indoor Triathlon on Sunday
The YMCA Indoor Triathlon takes place on Sunday, March 2 at 8 a.m. Open to ages 12 and up, this is a terrific way to sample a triathlon in a safe and supportive environment: a 15-minute swim, 20-minute bike and 20-minute track. Registration costs $50. The YMCA is located at 507 Broadway in Kingston. For more information, call (845) 338-3810 or visit www.ymcaulster.org.
Bike Rodeo this weekend at Newburgh’s Motorcyclepedia Museum
The Motorcyclepedia Museum’s Bike Rodeo takes place on Saturday and Sunday, March 1 and 2 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Space is limited and reservations are recommended. Activities include a course to practice bicycle safety, games, family-friendly movies and a chance to see more than 500 motorcycles in the Museum itself. Remember to bring your bicycles!
Admission to the Museum and the event costs $11 for adults 12 years and older, $5 for children ages 4 to 12 years and is free for children age 3 and under. The Motorcyclepedia Museum is located at 250 Lake Street in Newburgh. For tickets or more information, call (845) 569-9065 or visit www.motorcyclepediamuseum.org.