Property owners in the village of Saugerties and the town who are part of the village’s water and sewer system will see a three percent hike in each of the next five years, according to a village proposal.
Much of the hike, said village Water Department Superintendent Mike Hopf, will go to repair or replace aging water lines. “We had two main breaks last month,” Hopf said, and most of the system on Post St. needs to be replaced.
“This will help us plan for the future,” Mayor William Murphy said. “We want to have a five-year plan in place.”
Village users will see rates increase from $2.89 per 100 cubic feet to $2.98 per 100 in 2014, and to $3.35 per 100 cubic feet by 2018.
The average user outside the village pays $4.76 per 100 cubic feet for a total of $59.50 per quarter. In 2014 that same user will pay $4.90 per 100 or $61.29 per quarter, and at the end of the five years $5.52 per 100 or $68.98 per quarter.
In 2012, which was the last rate hike, users saw an immediate ten percent increase in their rates.
Over the last 14 years, those who used the village water and sewer systems paid a 2.3 percent rate hike on average per year.
Hopf said usage is measured in cubic feet rather than gallons, because that’s how the water meters read it. When the aging meters are eventually replaced, the new ones will measure in gallons. The conversion rate of cubic feet to gallons is 7.48 gallons per cubic foot, Hopf said.
The minimum usage of water is 1,250 cubic feet per year and under the current rate that average user pays $36.13 per quarter. The new rate will have the average user paying $37.21 per quarter. At the end of the five years, the average user in the village will be paying $41.88 per quarter.
Sewer rates for users in the village will see a similar hike in their rates as well beginning June 1. The average sewer-user in the village pays $3.99 per 100 cubic feet or $49.88 per quarter, and in 2014 that user will pay $4.11 per 100 or $51.37 per quarter. At the end of the five years, the average user in the village will pay $4.63 per 100 or $57.82 per quarter.
The average user outside the village pays $4.38 per 100 cubic feet or $54.75 per quarter. Next year that same user will pay $4.51 per 100 or $56.39 per quarter, and at the end of the five years will pay $5.08 per quarter or $63.47.
Trustees will take comments from the public on the proposed hikes at their Dec. 2 and 16 meetings, with the rates to go into effect June 1. Users will see the effect of the hikes in their September 2014 water and sewer bill.
As part of its contract with the town to provide these services, the village must notify the town six months prior to any rate hike going into effect so the town’s governing body has an opportunity to allocate funds in its budget.