To those of you who appeared before the Zoning Board of Appeals when I was the chairman and appreciated the manner in which the meetings were run. To those of you who asked my advice and thought I was knowledgeable, fair, and helpful. To those of you who enjoyed my weekly insight in the Woodstock Times as to what is going on in town. To those of you who know me personally. To those of you who are unhappy with the way the Town is being run. All of you now have an opportunity to allow me to help make Woodstock a better place. Vote for me for Councilman on the Woodstock Town Board and let us get it done. A vote for me is a vote for the community. The election is next Tuesday, November 5. It is your chance to make a difference. Mark your calendar. Let your vote count
Howard Harris
Turn Over The Reins
Special thanks to the Company Three Ladies Auxiliary, moderator Bob Muci and timekeeper Karen Shultis for a great Candidates Night last Wednesday night. There was a great turnout with many well thought out questions.
I ask Woodstock voters to ask themselves if they are happy with their current representation in Woodstock Town government, and if not, suggest they turn over the reins to Lorin, Howard and myself. When elected we will bring new energy and responsiveness to Woodstock along with an open and more effective Town Board.
Yours for Woodstock.
Jim Armstrong
Deceived And Voting No
When someone is trying to persuade you to do something but doesn’t reveal what that something is, we should always be suspicious. That’s the way I feel when I see all the nicely printed lawn signs in favor of “gaming.” There is no such thing as “gaming.” It’s gambling, a frequently addictive practice that destroys many people and families and brings all kinds of problems to areas that allow it.
I’m voting no on proposition 1 on November 5, mostly because I don’t want to see my home area polluted by all the problems that come with legalized casino gambling. But if I had any reservations, the deception of promoting “gaming” would push me over the edge.
Leslie Gerber
Let’s Get It Done Now
I have been a voter in this town since 1964 and I have seen many politicians come and go — Democrats, Republicans, Democrats turned Republican and Republicans turned Democrat. On the local level I could care less to what party they belonged as I knew who they were as individuals. No party leader was going to dictate to me what neighbor was going to get my vote, and so it should be this November. Don’t let your party leaders dictate to you — vote for the candidates who are going to do their best for the town, not themselves. After knowing and working with Howard Harris for over 15 years. I trust him, and know that he will always do what is best for our town. Join me and vote for Howard. Hey, I am voting for Lorin, too!
Kinny Post
It Ain’t Broke
Woodstock is fortunate to have Jeremy, he’s doing a fine job. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Gilles Malkine
Revenues On The Backs Of Addicts
Governor Cuomo and the New York State Board of Elections come into the voting booth with you on November 5 by adding pro-casino advocacy language to Prop One — the casino expansion amendment. Don’t be fooled. More casinos in the state will predictably, not probably, increase by many thousands the addicted and habituated gamblers in the state upon which casinos depend for 35-50 percent of their revenues. This is a statistic ignored and unrefuted by pro-casino advocates. Government should not raise revenues on the losses of problem gamblers, low-pay workers, seniors, minorities. The cost to society is far greater than the tax revenues. Keep the political power of the casino industry in check. Vote No to Prop One.
Arnie Lieber,
Hurley Candidates On Fracking
Last month Sustainable Hurley asked candidates for Hurley Town Board and Supervisor to answer four questions about fracking and Hurley’s Comprehensive Plan. We’re pleased to report that all six candidates took the time to answer our questionnaire.
Hurley voters might want to make themselves aware of the positions of the candidates on our proposals to ban fracking and to fully implement the Comprehensive Plan throughout the town. The candidates’ responses are available online at
We urge Hurley residents to take a look at the complete responses before they cast a ballot on Tuesday, November 5.
Tobe Carey, Sustainable Hurley