Town of Lloyd voters will head to the polls on Nov. 5 to cast their ballots for the town supervisor, two Town Board seats, the town clerk, town justice and superintendent of highways, as well as who should represent them on the Ulster County Legislature for Districts 9 and 10.
Town supervisor

Running for town supervisor is Republican incumbent Paul Hansut, who was also endorsed by the Conservative and Independence Parties and will be on all three ballot lines. He is being challenged by Democrat Michael Guerriero, who currently sits on the Town Board.
Hansut is a retired police officer who won his first term with a pledge to have open and transparent government. To that end, the Town Board meetings are now videotaped, aired live and replayed on the local public access channel. A champion of recreational activities and fiscal conservatism, Hansut is working toward passing zoning and a Master Plan that will help promote tourism and enhance the commercial tax base of Lloyd without jeopardizing the town’s rural character.
Guerriero has said that he believes that economic development is critical to the town, as well as making sure that all voices are heard and considered when decisions are being made. He feels that he can offer a new perspective and approach as town supervisor.
Town Board

Republican incumbents Kevin Brennie and Jeff Paladino are seeking a second term on the Town Board. Paladino and Brennie are both successful local independent business-owners who have a long history of public service. Brennie has been very active as the Town Board’s liaison with the town’s recreation department and Brennie has helped to cultivate a strong relationship with the Highland Central School District in an effort to work together and possibly share services to cut costs when and where it makes sense.

They are being challenged by Democrats Joseph Indelicato and Frank Lombardi, the latter of whom retired after serving as town superintendent of highways for more than two decades. Lombardi said that he wants to go after grants to help offset taxes, as he did when he was highway superintendent, and to ensure that the town encourage commercial development and not frighten it away. Indelicato said that he wants to focus on ways of getting tourists from the Walkway Over the Hudson into the hamlet and to work on revitalizing the hamlet and bringing in more business.