Rich Klotz is vying for a second term as the Town of Lloyd superintendent of highways. He has been endorsed by the Lloyd Democratic Party, as well as the Independence Party and Conservative Party. Lenny Auchmoody, also a lifelong resident of Highland, is running on the Republican ticket. Here are their responses to questions from the New Paltz Times:
Rich Klotz
Why did you decide to run for a second term as highway superintendent?
I decided to run for a second term because I am truly enjoying the work. I was born and raised in this town and I love it. Knowing that I am giving the best of myself to a position which requires all of my past job experiences and skills in order to be successful has been very fulfilling. Giving back to my hometown is something that’s important to me and I am very appreciative to have the honor.
What experiences/skills/qualifications do you have that you believe make you a competent highway superintendent?
I have 43 years of work experience, which lends itself to the demands of what is required for a successful and competent highway superintendent. Road construction, preservation and maintenance of roads, drainage design and erosion control have been part of my daily work schedule for as long as I can remember. My work history and related knowledge of safety measures, project budgeting and land constraints native to Lloyd have definitely given me a greater advantage for success than most, hands down.
What are your top three priorities if reelected?
1. When a resident phones in or e-mails a concern, we make it highway business to see to it that these issues are scheduled immediately and a site visit is made as soon as possible. Some concerns may be more time-sensitive than others, but all issues are discussed and addressed with a course of action taken. No matter what we have going on, the day-to-day needs of residents are the most important priority.
2. Maximizing the budget! Using all of the highway assets available, including grants and shared service agreements with other municipalities. Working efficiently enables the highway department to complete some very large projects at a portion of the cost and time it has in previous years.
3. The highway department will be extra-vigilant about upgrading road equipment to newer and more cost-effective ways and means throughout each season. Money saved in upgrading will be substantial compared to the maintenance costs.