Why Conservative Party supports Myer
Now that the campaign season is rolling along in full swing, I’ll clarify a few things with respect to the Conservative endorsement of Doug Myer for Highway Superintendent.
Over the past several weeks, several foil requests have been submitted to the town, as well as letters to the editor questioning the job performance of Highway Superintendent Doug Myer– certainly fair game during an election (my opinion) and Mr. Myer has maintained a professional attitude in responding to those concerns with detailed explanations.
Here are the chain of events leading up to the endorsement of Doug Myer by the Conservative Party: In August, the Conservative Party’s Search Committee interviewed both candidates (Doug Myer, who had received the Conservative-Republican endorsement during his last term, and Ray Mayone) for highway superintendent. While members of that committee felt that both men are decent, respectable members of our community, the members were impressed and satisfied with Doug Myer’s job performance during his tenure. For example, he was able to pay all the 2012 bills and put more than $622,229 into the fund balance account for future expenditures; increased chips by 17 percent; and ran all major fema projects $1.4 million under budget. As a result, Mr. Myer was endorsed to be the Conservative candidate. In fact, during a meeting between former Conservative chairman Mark Knaust, Republican chairman Joe Roberti, Jr., and myself, prior to the interviews, Mr. Roberti readily admitted that Myer does a good job. I respected his honesty. Yet, the GOP endorsed a different candidate and asked for the Conservative nod.
Then, on several occasions following our interviews but prior to the our caucus, I was approached by some members of the GOP with accusations relating to Doug Myer. Although I asked for substantiation of these vague claims before our decision, nothing incriminating was offered which would lend any credence to the assertions and render him ineligible for consideration. It seems logical, when a party wants to capture an endorsement for a proposed candidate, that any available evidence which would tend to disqualify the opponent in order to convince or sway the caucus would be brought out before the vote, not afterward. In view of this odd timing, not only would I question any claim brought up just prior to the election itself, I would take a good look at any and all allegations to see whether there is another, more plausible or reasonable and convincing explanation.
Please support Doug Myer, Highway Superintendent, Row C, Tuesday, Nov. 5.
George D Heidcamp Sr.
Chairman, Town of Saugerties Conservative Party
Another Heidcamp
I would like to take a moment to clarify that Raymond Mayone received a campaign contribution from Arnette Heidcamp and not George Heidcamp. Thank you, Arnette for your support for Raymond.
Carol Ann Mayone
Will the real Doug Myer please stand up
Will the real Doug Myer please stand up! After the highway superintendent vote during the Republican Caucus, Doug Myer left abruptly. Republican Myer did not even wait around to vote for other candidates. Next up was the Democratic Caucus. Mr. Myer was welcomed into the arms of the Democrats. He was nominated and it was stated by his nominator that she personally saw him “sign the papers” and that we welcome Mr. Myer with open arms. One would intentionally be led to believe that Mr. Myer has signed papers to become a Democrat. Such is not the case. Mr. Myer signed papers to become “not of a party.” Now, we will fast forward to the Conservative Caucus. Mr. Myer was nominated by an individual who stated that Mr. Myer “volunteered” his time at the highway department before taking office. Misleading the voters, once again. What the voters were not told was a motion was approved at a December 2011 town board meeting to “hire Douglas F. Myer as a part time laborer for the Highway Department at a pay rate of $19.16 per hour, effective December 5, 2011.” Mr. Myer was paid a laborer’s salary and was given the opportunity to work at the Highway Department giving him a chance to learn under the guidance of the late and respected Bernie Ellsworth. It is really a disgrace that we have to continue to hear about Doug Myer having integrity. Integrity equals honesty. I don’t constitute misleading voters as being honest or displaying moral values. To mislead is to be deceitful.
Dorothy Place
Mayone has skills and personal qualities for highway top spot
I enthusiastically support Raymond Mayone for Highway Superintendent on Nov. 5! I have known Raymond Mayone for more than ten years now and can honestly say that I know him well. He has all the characteristics of a great leader and is a family man who truly cares about the Saugerties community at large. He is honest, has a sense of humor, is a great communicator and listener, hardworking, committed, and a systems thinker. If you want things done for the betterment of the Saugerties community, he is your man!
I first met Raymond and his wife Carol Ann when their children Kevin and Raymond Junior were students at Saugerties High School and I was their guidance counselor. They both were very involved in helping them become successful in academics and in life and they always treated me with respect. I could see that they love their kids and each other and that family is important to them. Having a leader who is very family-oriented is important because these traits carry over when working for the Saugerties community.
I have worked with Raymond on several construction jobs in Bishop’s Gate development and I was impressed with his excavation and people skills. He understood the importance of building relations with all stakeholders from the owner of the properties, to the construction workers, to working with town officials. He was always accessible, polite, had great follow through, and he could always solve problems effectively. He is a systems thinker who sees the interconnectedness of life clearly and gets things done for the betterment of all stakeholders. I really enjoyed working with him in my role as a master electrician.
Raymond Mayone is a lifelong resident of Saugerties and he truly wants to make our community better. I have full confidence in him and his abilities and he has my full support. On Nov. 5,, 2013, come out and vote for Raymond Mayone for superintendent of highways!
Michael Catalano
Ray Mayone will benefit us all
I will be as brief as possible. I am sure the readers are getting anxious for election day therefore giving the letter to the editor a respite from the political arena.
I am proud to announce my support for a great individual with whom I respect very much. Ray Mayone has my vote for highway superintendent. I have never been involved in politics. However, I have been attending different events to show support for Ray.
I have known Raymond for over 25 years. He is the owner and operator of his own construction business. This man is not afraid of hard work. His expertise will benefit all us taxpayers not only on the roads but with budgets as well. After all, his business has been very successful for over 30 years. I have seen and heard him interact with employees as well as customers. He is a kind and approachable man. He will treat the taxpayers with respect. He will bring so many assets to the role of highway superintendent. He will make a difference. Taxpayers of Saugerties, join me on election day. Vote for this experienced man who will listen to us and give his complete attention to our town’s highway needs.
Sue Fabiano
Aiello responds
I am responding to the letter written by Chris Allen, Legislative hopeful. Mr. Allen will be challenging me on election day and his comments in the Sept. 25 issue of your paper are not only vicious and mean but reveal a candidate reamed with anger and frustration. While I respect the tenacity of the candidate I must correct him on issues he brought up in his letter to the letter. Regarding me attending Village Board Meetings, it should be very clear by now that I have made several attempts at contacting the Village Board and mayor about scheduling a meeting to discuss how both levels of government would be able to, for the first time, sit down together and discuss and work out issues about how I could be of some assistance to the village. I spoke with the mayor on the opening day of the Farmer’s Market along with Trustee Vincent Buono and was told, “thank you but we have a good working relationship with the county executive.” All three of us left on good terms with the agreement that should they need or if I can offer them assistance with any matter they could contact me. Settled.
Mr. Allen needs to understand that a county legislator represents constituents at the county level and the need to attend village meetings is not in the job description, just as a village trustee, including the mayor, need not attend monthly County Legislature and legislative committee meetings. This same rationale applies to Town Board meetings. That’s why we have Town Council-people and a town supervisor. Mr. Allen it is just a matter of home rule and a respect for each other’s duties.
You state in your letter that the biggest mistake you ever made in your life was to vote for me. If voting for me was your biggest lifetime mistake, there is a place in heaven for you. Your statement that I am “out of touch” as a legislator and criticizing my business career is absurd. You were a student at Riccardi Elementary School at the time.
Bob Aiello
Legislator, District 2
The Esopus Creek situation
The problems with the Esopus Creek and the turbid waters being released into the Esopus from the New York City Watershed is a very complex issue which I will attempt to summarize in 500 words.
The issue has been an ongoing problem for over 50 years as damaged property and muddy waters have periodically plagued the upper and lower Esopus after releases from the NYC Watershed and its reservoirs and record levels of precipitation. The current situation has been exacerbated by the record rains of 2009 and two hurricanes. The position of the NYC Watershed is that they did not create this level of precipitation, and the water has to be purged from the system. This is where the problem becomes very complicated. Some experts believe that timed and calculated releases from the reservoirs are the best answer, as the proper sequencing of the releases would reduce and eliminate flooding in certain areas along the Esopus and reduce dirty discharges. However, if record rains reemerge, such timed releases still would probably not prevent future turbidity and potential flooding, and timed releases may benefit some areas along the banks of the Esopus while not benefitting other areas as much. Again, better coordination and calculation of the timed releases is needed to alleviate this situation, but it is not the end-all to this problem. There are reportedly two other waste water channels that could be utilized: one which flows directly into the Hudson River, and one which flows downstate through the Peekskill area. Conflicting opinions exist on the usage of these wastewater channels, as the NYC Watershed believes that the usage of the channel flowing into Peekskill would potentially spill over the floodwalls and flood the surrounding areas, while the existence of the wastewater channel that flows directly into the Hudson is not even addressed in the state documents which allow for filtration avoidance.
Filtration avoidance is another complicated component of this situation, as the state-run Department of Environmental Conservation, DEC, is allowed to oversee filtration avoidance in the releases done by the NYC Watershed under a special provision granted to them by the Federally-run Environmental Protection Agency, EPA. However, the act of filtration avoidance itself is in clear violation of the 1972 Clean Water Act and other Federal Laws that govern the releases of pollutants into bodies of water.
Litigation has been proposed that would seek damages/compensation from the NYC Watershed for the damages causes by these releases, but the NYC Watershed and the DEP has reportedly told Ulster County officials to bring it on in court, because they are confident that their lawyers and money would prevail in a long and drawn out legal battle. Litigation would perhaps best be pursued on the federal-level, but the problem would still remain. Two filtration plants could be built at a cost of $6 Billion with annual maintenance costs of $200 Million, and the wastewater walls could be constructed higher, but then the question emerges: Does the money exist to pay for the solution?
Chris Allen