I was not happy with the way the Saugerties Times portrayed my picture on the front page under the heading “Lynch Mob.” No one was lynching anyone at the Glasco Firehouse the night of the so-called “information” meeting about smart meters. We were simply trying to inform the people of the health risks being imposed on us by our Town Board. Smart meters are being shoved down the throats and onto private homes of Glasco residents and we need to act now to stop this madness. In response to many installation refusals, the Town Board has directed expedited deployment of meters, in an attempt to get to them in before more residents get smart about their adverse health effects. This is an election year and we the people have the power to vote out those who make it their mission to jeopardize our health. Do people know that Supervisor Myers lives in the village and will not have a smart meter installed at her private mansion overlooking the Espous? Or that board member Jimmy Bruno, by his own admission, revealed that his “smart meter” will not be installed inside his house, but rather on the adjacent street corner? No toxic radiation will be bathing his home with cancer-causing emissions, unlike yours. Board member Bruce Leighton admitted none of the board members did any research about the health effects of smart meters, yet they voted unanimously in favor of it. Together they made the decision to install these dangerous devices on your property solely on the propaganda spewed by sales people who are paid with your tax money. Rather than ferreting out the truth, our Town Board parrots the sales pitch of the corporation that manufacturers the meters, all to convince you that these devices are safe. They defend their decision as it has become increasingly difficult for them to admit they made an $800,000 taxpayer-funded mistake.
“Do you have a cell phone?” Jimmy Bruno asks repeatedly. But it is not a comparison. A lot of people have cell phones, the difference is choice. Cell phones can be turned off but smart meters cannot. His next question is: “Do you have a microwave?” Studies show that the energy emitted by microwaves change the unique disc shape of human red blood cells rendering their oxygen carrying capacity inefficient. RF radiation from smart meters has the same effect and, over time, healthy cells mutate into cancer cells. We have a choice whether to use cell phones and microwaves but the bottom line is that these smart meters are being thrust upon us without our consent. What we don’t need is more radiation bathing our homes.
In a recent interview Kelly Myers said: “the Town Board has not yet decided how to handle residents who refuse to have new smart meters installed in their homes” Since when can a Town Board dictate what goes into your home? Last time I checked, my home was private property, and imposing any fees or fines for refusal is fascism. I will not allow Kelly Myers to insist that a perfectly functioning safe water meter be replaced with a toxic RF emitting “smart” meter and then expect to impose her own private backlash retaliation on those who refuse, especially when she doesn’t even have one herself. Who does Kelly Myers think she is? Your health is your choice. Refuse smart meter installations or suffer the consequences.
Donna Greco