A New Paltz resident, born and bred, has helped open up the Wallkill River to a bevy of local and tourist kayaking rentals, taking advantage of what has traditionally been an underused resource of this rivergoing town.
Craig Chapman began the New Paltz Kayaking Tours business two years ago, which sends kayaks and canoes on a two-hour river excursion every weekend from May through October. Asked why he began this business, located at the Sojourner Truth Park off Plains Road in downtown New Paltz, he said that he has “always had the desire to run my own business, and this is one that I felt was needed in New Paltz. I love being down by the river and am so happy to see locals and out-of-towners enjoy the river as well.”
Besides being the river guide for kayak and canoe enthusiasts, Chapman is also the youngest appointed Worshipful Master (guy in charge) of the Mason Adonai Lodge of Highland. “I love being a Mason,” he said. “It combines history, morality of humankind and love of God and country. We are part of New York State’s incredible history, and we’re always looking for new ways to help and serve our community and region.”
Chapman is this week’s subject of the New Paltz Times’ Meet & Greet column.
Owner/operator, New Paltz Kayaking Tours; sales and administration, KIC Chemicals.
Where are you from originally?
New Paltz.
What makes New Paltz unique?
The Huguenot history of New Paltz, SUNY New Paltz, outdoor activities, local farms and free, loving spirits make for a unique, diverse community.
What do you like about this community, and why?
All of the above.