Town officials in New Paltz are ready to unveil their nearly final, preliminary 2013 budget to the citizenry during a public hearing on Nov. 7. That $11.2 million spending plan includes reductions to the New Paltz Police Department budget, a restructuring of recreation services and a controversial raise for Supervisor Susan Zimet.
A majority of the Town Board members voted to give Zimet both a 3 percent “cost of living” raise above her current $49,307 salary. They also voted to give her a stipend of $9,607 in addition to the first raise. Her total pay for 2013 would be $60,386. But that stipend is also retroactive to this year, bumping up her 2012 pay to $58,914.
A notification about the public hearing put out by the town does shows the 3 percent raise but does not include information about Zimet’s stipend.
Police Department financing is also cut in the newest budget, down 7.2 percent from this year’s — a reduction achieved by leaving one full-time officer slot empty. Town officials note that while the overall tax rate will go down, they’ll have to vote to exceed the 2 percent tax cap to pay for increases needed by the fire and highway departments.
Members of the public will have a chance to weigh in on the proposed budget during the hearing. It starts at 7:15 p.m. and will take place at Town Hall.
The town sent notice of the public hearing too late to make our print deadline this week. To see the town’s announcement, head to www.townofnewpaltz.org.