There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics and the Great Pumpkin.
– Linus from It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
Ghost Walk through Hurley this Friday
This week is packed full with so many fantastic opportunities to have some fun while connecting with our kids. On Friday, October 26, the Hurley Ghost Walk combines local history with Halloween flair. The guided outdoor tour includes strange stories and encounters with Hurley residents from long ago, including a walk through ancient burial grounds. This event is not recommended for children under 12, and youth under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent.
Tours begin at 7 p.m. at the Hurley Reformed Church, located at 11 Main Street in Hurley. Admission costs $10, and remember to bring a flashlight. For reservations or for more information, call (845) 331-2193 or (845) 338-1661 or visit https://hurleyheritagesociety.org.
This Saturday is Hunger Games Night at Elting Memorial Library in New Paltz
The Elting Memorial Library is hosting a youth Hunger Games Jeopardy and Movie Night. Here, I’ll get you warmed up. Answer this in the form of a question (answer at end): “The plant the main character is named for.”
If you have any fans of The Hunger Games in your family, you should know that the odds will be ever in your favor if you bring them to this event. In addition to the trivia questions, participants can compete in the costume contest and try to win one of the categories, such as Most Gruesome, Most Authentic and more. Hunger Games refreshments will be offered, and the evening ends with a showing of The Hunger Games movie.
Hunger Games Jeopardy and Movie Night takes place on Saturday, October 27 at 6 p.m. The movie is rated PG-13 and will be shown at 8 p.m. Participants under age 13 must be accompanied by an adult guardian for the movie screening. This event is free and open to the public.
The Elting Memorial Library is located at 93 Main Street in New Paltz. For more information, call (845) 255-5030 or visit www.eltinglibrary.org. (Answer: What is Sagittaria, also known as Katniss?)
“Pipes, Pedals and Pizza” at Union Presbyterian Church in Newburgh this Saturday
This time of year, I see all kinds of announcements about old movies accompanied by pipe organ. That rich sound heightens the drama on the screen: just what many of us are looking for during Halloween season. Can you imagine how it might feel actually to play an organ? You can introduce your family pianist to this “King of Instruments” at Dr. Margaret Small’s “Pipes, Pedals and Pizza” event.
This organ workshop takes place on Saturday, October 27 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The session includes demonstrations and hands-on playing experience. A pizza lunch will close out the workshop. “Pipes, Pedals and Pizza” will take place at the Union Presbyterian Church, located at 44 Balmville Road in Newburgh. For reservations or for more information, call (845) 534-9485.
Unison in New Paltz hosts wildlife program with Andrew Simmons this Saturday
Are any of your little ones dressing up as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle this Halloween? Wouldn’t it be great to show them the real thing? Andrew Simmons is presenting a Wildlife program at Unison on Saturday, October 27 at 1 p.m. His all-ages presentations sound fascinating, informative and funny! Come learn about animals such as the snapping turtle, the golden eagle, the alligator, the black-throated monitor and more while seeing them live onstage.
Admission pricing for advance reservations is $12 for non-members and $7 for Unison members, and the cost is $2 more at the door. For reservations or for more information, call (845) 255-1559 or visit www.unisonarts.org. To learn more about the presenter, visit https://simmonswildlife.com.
Uncle Rock’s Halloween Hoot this Saturday at Saugerties Performing Arts Factory
What do you get when you mix great music with an amazing debut show by Dingo the Wonder Dog, festive costumes and free face-painting? It has to be Uncle Rock’s Halloween Hoot! Join in on the fun on Saturday, October 27 at 2 p.m. at the Saugerties Performing Arts Factory. Uncle Rock will perform his “smart, inventive music that really rocks,” including Halloween-themed tunes.
The Halloween Hoot also features Bob Burke and Dingo the Wonder Dog. They are filming a documentary about Burke’s father, Lew Burke, the legendary dog trainer from the ‘70s and ‘80s. Lew Burke decided to get back in the dog circuit after discovering Dingo’s gifts, but he passed away before his vision was realized. Burke is helping make his father’s dream come true by performing and touring with Dingo, and footage from the show at the Halloween Hoot will be included in the documentary. I encourage everyone to check out the trailer for the documentary, then come to the Halloween Hoot and see the show live.
General admission for the event is $10, $8 for guests in costume and free for kids under two years. The Saugerties Performing Arts Factory is located at 169 Ulster Avenue in Saugerties. For more information, call (845) 246-7723 or visit https://unclerock.com or www.saugertiesperformingartsfactory.com. To learn more about the documentary in progress, search Lew Burke: The Original Dog Whisperer on www.youtube.com.
Haunted Scavenger Hunt on Historic Huguenot Street in New Paltz this Saturday
Trick-or-treating is pretty straightforward. As Jerry Seinfeld says, “Halloween, doorbells, candy…” So this history-based Haunted Scavenger Hunt caught my eye, because it sounds like it’s going to take some effort to complete. In addition to looking for clues around the grounds of Historic Huguenot Street, Paula Revere will perform historical music, a craft table will be set up for young children and special prizes will be available for those who come in costume.
The Haunted Scavenger Hunt takes place on Saturday, October 27 from 2 to 4 p.m. for children preschool age and up, with a rain date scheduled for Sunday, October 28. The cost is $8 per child; adults get in free. The bonus is spending time together on the oldest street in the US with its original houses.
The first clue is given at registration in the DuBois Fort Visitor Center, located at 81 Huguenot Street in New Paltz. For more information, call (845) 255-1660, extension 105, or visit www.huguenotstreet.org.
Tanglewood Marionettes perform Cinderella at Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck this Saturday
My daughter and I saw the Tanglewood Marionettes perform Sleeping Beauty at the Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck last spring, and it was wonderful. The story was captivating, the marionettes seemed lifelike and we got to look at them up close at the end of the performance. I was excited to see Tanglewood scheduled to return this weekend to perform Cinderella. I can’t wait to see what little twists they add to this classic story. I just want to say that this troupe really knows its audience, and this performance is sure to engage all children, not just princess types.
Cinderella takes place this Saturday, October 27 at 11 a.m. at the Center. Tickets cost $7 for children and $9 for adults and seniors. The Center is located at 661 Route 308 in Rhinebeck. For tickets or more information, call (845) 876-3080 or visit www.centerforperformingarts.org. To learn more about the performers, visit www.tanglewoodmarionettes.com.