Do the math
The Tax Policy Center, a joint project of the Brookings Institute and the Urban Institute, studied Mitt Romney’s tax plan. Their conclusion was, “[E]ven when we assume that tax breaks like — the charitable deduction, mortgage interest deduction and the exclusion for health insurance -– are completely eliminated for higher-income households first, and only then reduced as necessary for other households to achieve overall revenue-neutrality – the net effect of the plan would be a tax cut for high-income households coupled with a tax increase for middle income households.
Republicans maintain that the tax cuts would significantly spur growth (This is the trickle-down plan that Reagan and the Bushes sold; it hasn’t worked for 30 years). The Tax Policy Center said that “reasonable models would show that these tax changes would have little effect on growth.” They factored in what they described as “implausibly large growth effects” and “… still found that the plan would likely result in a tax increase for lower and middle class Americans and a tax cut for highest earners”.
You can figure this out yourself. Consider a New York family of four having an average income of $50,000 per year, using the 2011 tax schedule:
Number of exemptions (husband, wife and two children) at $3700 each equals $14,800. Deductions: medical $700, state income tax $729, school and property tax $5000, home mortgage interest (owing $100,000 @ 6%), $11,000, gifts to charity $500. Total exemptions and deductions: $32,729.
Adjusted Gross Income ($50,000 minus $32,729): $17,271
Federal tax on AGI (with mortgage deduction): $1748.
Federal tax on $28,278 (AGI without mortgage deduction): $3391
20% reduction in federal income tax ($3391 x 0.20): $678
Federal tax on AGI without mortgage deduction): $2713
Difference in tax without mortgage interest and a 20% decrease in the tax rate is a tax increase of: $965.
Substitute your own values and find out how much of an increase in taxes you will pay for Mitt Romney’s tax reduction plan. You will find selling Romney’s tax cut plan is a slick way of increasing taxes on middle and lower income households while decreasing taxes for the well-to-do. And what if medical and gifts to charity are eliminated?
Do the math.
William Hayes
The enemies of change
Saugerties Democrats Patti Kelly and Beth Murphy are at it again. Through a friendly press corps and flunkies Freddie Costello and Bruce Leighton, they are launching yet another rabid, negative attack on supervisor Kelly Myers, this time over potential late payment charges. It’s ironic that the people yelling the loudest (councilmen Costello and Leighton) oversee the town departments most responsible for the late fees.
Supervisor Myers made several changes because a state audit found the town board was not properly approving bill payments. Council members and department heads are now required to review and approve every bill. Costello, however, is still directing non-elected town employees to approve bills for his departments.
Other developments call into question whether Costello has the time necessary to perform his official duties. In the 2013 tentative budget, Costello’s departments requested a whopping $270,000 in new spending (equivalent to a 5% general fund property tax increase). Did he even look at the spending requests prior to submission?
Also, as a result of the police merger he championed, the town is facing a loss of $200,000 in revenue (a 4% tax increase), a loss that will be made up mostly by non-village residents. Didn’t Costello say he was “confident” the merger wouldn’t increase taxes? (1/7/10 Saugerties Times).
Given recent developments in Saugerties, I find this attack to be ludicrous. This is yet another concerted effort to undermine supervisor Myers so Patti Kelly and the Saugerties Democratic Committee can remain in control of the town board so they can push its far-left agenda. Saugerties taxpayers can no longer sit idly by and allow this to happen.
Joe Roberti, Jr.
Chair, Saugerties Republican Committee Saugerties
Uncertainty and loss
I want to take this opportunity to thank the entire staff at the Ulster County Department of Mental Health for the stellar care that they continue to give their clients during a time of uncertainty and loss. As it is a devastating blow to the community that the child and family unit will close at the end of this year, the staff at UCDMH continues to see their clients as if it is business as usual and reassures all who come in their path that the care is going to continue to be as good as it is now.
My family has had the privilege to be able to work with many wonderful people at UCDMH. If it weren’t for the quality of care that we have received for the past 6 years in the Kids Together Program, as well as at the Kingston Clinic we would not have been able to overcome the challenges that we had faced and be in such a good place today. So, thank you to all who we have had the pleasure to work with at UCDMH! I hope and pray to continue to cross your paths in the future.
Amy Russell
West Hurley
I’m for Claudia
I applaud the candidacy of Claudia Andreassen for Saugerties town justice and encourage her election. She is the right person at the right time, an individual with the skills needed to fill this important town function, and the energy, enthusiasm, and sheer resolve to do it well.
I have known Claudia for many years and have seen her at work in the town hall during that time. She is indefatigable. After her appointment to the vacated seat as a current town justice, she systematically went about all of the duties attendant upon learning the job in all of its facets. She had the advantage of knowing how the justice system works from having been as a part of it.
I think Saugerties is lucky to have Claudia. At a time when America needs to retain the steady, sure, experienced hand that has been guiding us through the maze of our economic distress, it’s good to know there’s one here on the local level who also has a steady, sure, and experienced hand, and the community desire to use it.
Please vote for Claudia Andreassen.
Vernon Benjamin