Tea Party congressman must be defeated
Congress has gotten very little done in the past two years, largely because of the Tea Party with its radical agenda to shut down government. On June 26, Democrats will be going to the polls to select their nominee to face our incumbent Tea Party Republican Congressman, to replace him with someone who can get government to work. Unlike many of my fellow Democrats in Ulster, I, as a Greene County resident, am currently represented by Congressman Gibson and I am amazed that we are not focused on the singular goal of his defeat in November.
There is only one viable candidate: Julian Schreibman.
Julian comes from Kingston, and understands from personal experience the needs of working-class families. His mother is a small business owner, and Julian was the first in his family to go to college. He has worked in government, doing things that Government should do, such as fighting Al-Qaeda and putting together a criminal case against Osama bin-Laden. His opponent, however, does not believe that the United States should go after the bin Ladens of this world; I disagree on that.
I for one am fed up with the juvenile behavior of Julian’s opponent. As a resident of Greene County, I haven’t had the privilege of being represented by Congressman Hinchey. Believe me, having been represented by Congressman Gibson, I believe it is far more important for Democrats to defeat him, rather than smear one another. That’s why I am going to vote for Julian Schreibman, the only candidate who can beat Congressman Gibson and represent this district properly in Washington.
Doreen Parsley Davis
Schreibman Dem’s best chance
I must admit I didn’t know much about Julian Schreibman until I met him. His energy and enthusiasm were contagious, and led me to investigate more. Julian is not a career politician, but someone who has worked hard his entire life, committing a great deal of it to public service. He has successfully prosecuted terrorists, predators, white collar criminals, and drug traffickers. That takes tenacity and persuasion, two critical skills he’ll take to Washington. Julian has promised to work hard to get tax credits for small businesses, advocate for agriculture, and put a moratorium on hydrofracking. He will defend affordable college and protect Social Security and Medicare.
Attacks on Julian from his opponent for the June 26 primary are disturbing: letters to the editor and accounts in literature accusing him of things that aren’t true. He is saying anything to get elected, rather than focus on his position whose term is not up until November 2013. What happened to that promise?
This is why I support Julian and encourage all of you to do the same on June 26. Julian has shown that he is a hardworking, honest man. Julian Schreibman is our best chance to beat Congressman Chris Gibson.
Sally Harding
Pleasant Valley
The Democratic moment
Julian Schreibman’s got my vote on June 26th. Anyone still uncertain might consider the following.
First, those who disparagingly refer to Mr. Schreibman as “just another Wall Street lawyer” would do well to consider
another smart young upstate attorney whose career began in Manhattan and who was similarly denigrated upon coming home to run for office . Kirsten Gillibrand. She’s certainly done right for us, wouldn’t you say?
Secondly, while Mr. Schreibman is a lawyer, he prosecuted and convicted bad guys on Wall Street; he didn’t represent them.
As for his work for the C.I.A., I applaud the fact that he upheld the highest legal standards in order to put away terrorists who committed heinous crimes against our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. End of story.
Thirdly, let’s get real: it takes real money to get elected (and Mr. Gibson is already swimming in it). Sorry, but that’s a fact in today’s America. The tireless Mr. Schreibman has embarked on a campaign that’s smart, highly organized, and – with his upstate roots, ability to articulate the concerns of working people, and desire to create opportunity for all, combined with an impressive legal background – is attracting financial support his opponent in the primary is not.
Speaking of Mr. Tyner, I respect and applaud his commitment to important issues and his years of service to his constituents, and hope he will continue to work on behalf of the public. But I believe that Julian Schreibman represents our best chance at taking back the seat that the Tea Party handed to Mr. Gibson. This is our moment. Let’s not squander it.
Nina Sklansky
Good golfing
On June 2nd the Saugerties Lions Club held its Annual Golf Tournament at the
Rip Van Winkle Golf Club in Palenville. All proceeds from the tournament and raffle are used to fund the Joseph Bosco Memorial Lions Club Scholarship. Annually, a $4000 scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior from the Saugerties area.
With the help of the Saugerties Community and particularly the 125 individuals and businesses who provided donations, we were able to meet our $ 4,000.00 goal.
In the tournament the team of Scott Hargesh, Josh Teinken and Brian Brock finished in the top spot. Longest drive was won by Brian Brock and closest to the pin was Joe Stopczynski.
The Saugerties Lions Club wants to give special recognition to John Smith and his staff at the Rip Van Winkle Golf Club . A special Thank You also goes out to these major contributors: Old Republic National Title Insurance Co., Sawyer Savings Bank, Helsmoortel Realty and Insurance, Simulaids, Ulster County Corrections Officers, The Reis Group, Viking Industries, Anaconda Sports, The Tim Mauro Company, Hill Top Towing, Glasco Abstract, The Saugerties Bowlers Club, Lo Dolce Machine, Dutch Ale House, Uniforms USA, Larry Marcus, James Garcia, Alan and Carole Carney, The Exchange Hotel and the other 108 Businesses and Individuals (too numerous to mention) who contributed.
The Lions would again like to thank all the contributors and players who made this effort a success which is a great example of the Saugerties Spirit.
Bob Kraft
Tournament chairman