Move To Amend
There is a growing movement in this country to learn how the forces of corporations have undermined the freedoms of the individual citizen. Ulster County now has a group, affiliated with a national ‘Move to Amend’ group, that is organizing at the grass-roots level to obtain a Constitutional Amendment.
We have seen over the past 100 years, the Supreme Court has gradually granted legal rights to corporations as ‘persons’ under the Constitution. This is an issue that affects all of us. We need a clear unambiguous definition of who has rights — in order for ‘We the People’ to take back our sovereign rights to hold government accountable to it’s duties to insure individual freedoms, safety and well-being.
Now, it is going to take a coordinated political and social movement to obtain this constitutional amendment. One that will clearly define what a corporation is. It will need to contain two specific statements: 1.) a corporation is not a person and it is essential that all corporations be regulated by being given only the privileges that ‘We, the people’, through our elected representatives willfully grant them. 2.) Money is not speech — and must also be so regulated. To see the full version on a proposed amendment go to:
How will this happen? By organizing groups of citizens into one united movement, a coalition of local state and national organizations united for the specific purpose of amending the Constitution. We believe it is time to follow the lead of the American Revolutionaries, the Abolitionists, the Suffragists, the Trade Unions and the Civil Rights Activists to build a broad-based multi-partisan democracy movement. We invite you to join with us as an affiliate of We Move To Amend.
And we invite you to join with us in this action. To learn more, we are holding informational sessions at the Inquiring Minds Book Store in Saugerties, Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. during the month of May. Please join us for conversation, inquiry and action.
Edward Sager, Maggie Williams, Chris Blair, Doug Blair, Irene Miller, Edwin Hague,
Move To Amend Ulster County
Why is it I often wish that I had measured the nose of the person talking to me before the conversation began?
Howard Harris
Tyner Time
I’ll start this letter with my strong belief, so that anyone who disagrees needn’t read on. With extremely rare exceptions, Representatives in Congress are members of a club that ignores the public’s needs. The Washington crowd, Republican and Democrat, are out to lunch when it comes to positive responsiveness, caring for the folks who pay the bills, too often with their lives. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has anointed Mr. Schreibman for Maurice Hinchey’s seat in the next election. They want a ‘good old boy’ who’ll work with them, not rock their comfortable boat.
Why? How do I know this? Easy. Mr. Schreibman is a former employee of the CIA. He knows the ropes, he knows the system, and it’s understandable that the system, that we’re all aware of, wants one of their own. That’s not good enough for me. I want a Representative, in the new 19th District, that has the energy and the will to work for the middle and poorer class. They are often the same people. I want a representative who’ll demand an end to the rising costs, with interest, of education, who opposes the system’s cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the continuing erosion of Production and Work here because of ‘outsourcing’, the waste if Trillions of dollars and uncountable lives on unending Wars that serve Corporate profit, big time, Wars that have increased hatred and fear of us around the World, a Representative without connections to the CIA. There are already plenty of those.
I’m talking about Joel Tyner, a five term Democrat from a Republican stronghold in Dutchess County, a man who knows that ‘fracking’ is a crime, and who wants to criminalize it, a man who understands that the 99% are the people who are not being served by Congress.
Let’s not continue on the path of Representation that has brought all of us, this Country, to the lousy place we’re at. Vote for Joel Tyner in the Democratic primary in June, and in the general election this Fall.
Jay Wenk
Legislature Gets It; Not Reynolds
Hugh Reynolds seems to have missed the purpose of the Ulster County Legislature’s Special Meeting at SUNY Ulster on April 17 (“Futile Frackers,” April 26). The hearing was not held, as he suggests, to discuss opposition to or support of drilling for natural gas in Ulster County using the controversial method commonly called hydrofracking. The meeting was convened to allow the collective public voices that spoke (self included) the opportunity to gather, speak and voice our views to elected officials on the use of hydrofracking brine fluid on the roadways within the county and how we imagine it will affect our lives here, close to home, in this beautiful Hudson Valley county. While related, there’s a huge difference. Those that spoke may have strong beliefs and concerns about fracking, true. But while related, that’s another subject entirely.
Yes, Chair Bernardo spoke of the legislature’s restrictions but also spoke of their support of passing this local law as a courageous example to every town and village in this county, and that doing so will have a greater, stronger voice to the state on this subject. The Chair also spoke of this power of example being something which other counties and townships statewide may chose to follow and the Legislature’s support of this, thus creating the strong collective legal bite and zoning restrictions that may ultimately lead to the blocking of hydrofracking within our state.
Mr. Reynolds also writes to begrudge Chair Bernardo for not having “saved a lot of people a lot of gas — both verbal and octane,” suggesting we would have been just as productive and effective remaining home that beautiful evening. Nonsense! The freedom to speak is a great freedom, one we often forget has great value and impact. And saving octane? Many of us carpooled.
He concluded: “Look for a strongly worded but meaningless memorializing anti-fracking resolution to the state to be unanimously approved by the legislature at its May 15 regular meeting” Mr. Reynolds, your less than supportive writing makes this writer feel you would rather this polluted industry firmly entrench itself in our region. Respectfully, sir, I ask you to do as has been suggested in song years ago and echoes in these hills of home today – get out of the new road if you can’t lend a hand ‘cause the times they are a changin’
Applause to the Ulster County Legislature for its bold stand.
Steve Gentile
Editor’s Note: The legislative resolution setting the public hearing stated, “Setting a public hearing on Local Law No.1 to be known as the ‘Hydraulic Fracturing Brine Prohibition Act.’”
My Cousin Murray
My cousin Murray Reich died unexpectedly this past week. In my life and my brother Jack’s, he was as big and legendary as a movie star. As a four year old in a sailor ‘s cap on the beach in Coney Island, he was like a go between and brought my parents together.
Suave, tall and elegant Murray became an artist and when I was in my teens invited me to Greenwich Village to show me around, learn what was art, and what wasn’t.
And on a day when I cut high school and tramped to the Metropolitan Museum, there was handsome Murray ringed in by a passel of adoring Hunter High School students.
He exhibited on the national as well as international scene, taught art in Boston as well as at Bard, and even taught Anthony Krauss and Alan Siegal at Skowhegan in Maine.
We kind of grew apart, but when Murray, loving to fly fish purchased a place up here in Mt. Tremper once again he glided into mine and my brother’s life.
Showing at the Byrdcliffe Guild Member Show, Murray began his important series of Arrow Paintings.
His passing was sudden. A brilliant star which burned out much too soon.
My brother Jack Moskowitz, my self as well as his wife Elizabeth Weatherford and son Zeke and his many, many Woodstock friends mourn him deeply.
Maralyn Master
Time for Tyner
Democrats in the new 19th Congressional District are getting the opportunity to vote in a Primary June 26. I will be supporting Joel Tyner. Who is Joel Tyner you ask? Joel is the candidate with a proven track record of effective governance and the support of his constituents. He is a five term Dutchess County Legislator. Joel has shown the fortitude of character and principle needed to fight special interests. Joel has been fighting the anti-fracking war long before it became a household word. He will fight to close the budget gap by ending the Bush tax cuts for millionaires. Joel will fight to protect Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Nursing Homes from cuts. He will fight to protect the Environment and protect Independent Family Farms. I urge you to check out his website to learn more about Joel. I also urge you to meet Joel and see for yourself how passionate he is on these issues and more.
Remember Primary June 26, 2012-Tyner For Congress. Joel needs your support!
Diana Cline