Healthcare, Schemelthcare!
Why not abandon all professional sports, along with the big college ‘conferences’ while we’re at it? To be replaced by active local, and neighborhood games, sports, and leagues of every sort and description?
For every child, woman, man. At each and every age.
I think I could ‘letter’ in Balloonyball, but’d still suck at Kickball.
Dave ‘Kitt’ Kitrovich
Bearsville Flats
Today’s Democratic Party
Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid constitute the historic apex of the Democratic Party’s social achievements, gained in the 1930s and 1960s respectively. No matter how hard the Republicans fought to dismantle these programs the Democrats always held firm. The last big effort was mounted by President George W. Bush, charging that Social Security was “headed for bankruptcy” and demanding partial privatization. Bush failed miserably.
But that was then. Now, it’s the Democratic Party that has voluntarily put its own biggest achievements on the chopping block — an indication of how far a once center-left party has drifted to the center-right. Last summer, during the deficit reduction talks between the Obama Administration and the Republicans, President Obama agreed that cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid were “on the table.” The talks blew up over another issue, rhe cuts were left for a bipartisan Congressional ‘super committee’ to handle, but it failed to achieve anything.
According to a Washington Post article March 15, which reviewed Obama’s willingness to weaken his party’s three principal social programs, “White House officials said this week that the offer remains on the table.” Obama need not do this, but all his policies are based upon compromise. “Obamacare,” for instance, was originally a conservative program.
It’s absurd that the right wing speaks of Obama as a socialist, or even a liberal. He’s far closer to being a moderate Republican, and so — unfortunately for the middle class and working class — is today’s Democratic Party.
Jack A. Smith
Often the indelible footprints that are left by those who came before us are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to remove.
Howard Harris
Longmore Is A Professional Who Cares
I am appalled at the injustice that is being thrown upon my doctor, Dr. Wayne Longmore. Dr. Longmore has been my primary care physician for the past five years and has provided nothing but excellent care to me and my family. He has been a vital asset to not only me, but all of the local citizens. Because of the rising cost of healthcare, and the difficulty that the average person has obtaining affordable services from a skilled practitioner, Dr. Longmore offers compassionate and qualified care at a reasonable price.
After a car accident in which my head went through the driver’s side window, I was rushed to Kingston Hospital. The incompetent emergency staff there decided that my lack of balance and coordination were harmless side effects of my head injury, because I was “probably drunk” and upon my discharge, advised my mother to “let me sleep it off.” My mother knew that something was not right with me, and brought me to Dr. Longmore. He thoroughly checked me over, determined not only that I had no alcohol in my system, but that I had a severe concussion and referred me to the Trauma Ward at Albany Medical Center. With the help of the staff at Albany Medical Center and Dr. Longmore, I was able to obtain proper treatment and achieve a positive recovery. Dr. Longmore insisted that I return every few days to closely monitor my progression, and did so at no extra cost. The quality of care that I received from him far surpasses my expectations. This is a professional who cares deeply for his patients.
It is a well known fact that drug addicts will stop at nothing to obtain their drug of choice. I am certain that almost every doctor in Ulster County has at one time or another in their career been fooled by a drug “seeker.” Just because Dr. Longmore may have been scammed by an addict, does not make him a drug pusher. It has been my experience that he often tries to suggest alternative modalities, such as chiropractic, acupuncture, etc, before attempting to use medications for pain management. Unfortunately, the case is that someone who specializes in emergency medicine is going to treat alot of acute illness and injury that requires treatment with pain medicines. His appointments may be brief, but they are always thorough. A true professional such as Dr. Longmore also manages to see such a high volume of patients, and provide consistent quality care in a “clinic” setting.
I have personally witnessed Dr. Longmore refer a patient to the Emergency Room, when they were clearly at his office for the sake of trying to obtain a prescription for narcotics without legitimate reason. A skilled doctor such as himself, is able to recognize the symptoms of drug withdrawal and understands that althought it may be a serious medical situation, it is one for a facility specialized in treating such.
I thank you for taking that time to read this and reevaluate your opinions on this matter. Dr. Longmore is a vital part of the community. I can only hope that more loyal patients will stand up and speak out against these absurd allegations. For as many times as this kind, wonderful doctor has relieved someone’s pain or illness, I hope we can help him in his time of need.
Lauryn E. Ocker
West Hurley
For more letters, see print edition