Question: Is there any rhyme or reason to the mayor’s thought process or is everything just a knee-jerk reaction? Or is this just a political ploy to get the Common Council to vote to raise the 2 percent tax cap next year and make it look like it’s their fault that they have to raise taxes and not our mayor?
No question — Kingston residents are paying the third-highest taxes in the state but what are we paying for? City lawsuits? Attorney fees? Over-budget projects that have popped up all over the city? Union pensions and pay raises negotiated and brokered by our current mayor?
I for one want a rebate on my taxes if I have to now pay for my own trash removal. My god, what is next, pave my own street, hire my own police, start putting out fires around the city? Maybe we better take another look at volunteer fire and police — it worked in the past?
One last question: Is there or was there ever a master plan? A five-year plan? A two-year plan, as to a city budget and spending, because right now to the average Joe it looks like nobody has a clue — bonding for this, getting rid of that, over-budget again on this, raise taxes and get less services on that. Can anyone make sense of it anymore? Because all I seem to have is more questions.
Matthew Ryan, Kingston
Sennett superior
Jon Sennett –there is no better choice!
This man is a tough, fair, honest and dedicated attorney with many years of courtroom experience. He is very much respected by the populace he serves and the law enforcement community he interacts with on a daily basis. Simply put: There is No Better Choice. Jon Sennett, you have my family’s vote.
Dan Winfield, New Paltz