Susan Barnett will read from her new book of short stories, The View from Outside, at Inquiring Mind in Saugerties on Wednesday, May 25 at 7 p.m. Barnett is best known locally as the former Hudson Valley bureau chief for WAMC, and host of 51% The Women’s Perspective, produced by WAMC and syndicated nationwide. This is her first book.The evening focuses on “Short Pieces about Long Marriages,” part of the themed reading series at Inquiring Mind, sponsored by The Glaring Omissions, the Hudson Valley’s longest-running writing group. Also on the program are two Glaring Omissions members. Howard Massey will read his short story “The Boom-Boom Room” about a conversation overheard on a bus. Massey is co-author with Geoff Emerick of Here, There and Everywhere: My Life Recording the Music of the Beatles, and author of the Behind the Glass series, which features interviews with the industry’s top recording engineers. Robert Burke Warren, who has written songs with Roseanne Cash, and performed in globe-trotting rock bands, is best known locally as Uncle Rock, who provides fun and interactive rock and roll performances for children and parents. He will read his piece “Grace Under Pressure,” inspired by his grandparents.