Woodstock resident Deborah DeWan has become Ulster County’s first agricultural services administrator. Hers is a new position within the county economic development department. She will be responsible for implementing new agricultural programs.
Ulster County executive Jen Metzger made the announcement February 19.
“We want to see the county take a more active role in supporting the long-term viability and sustainability of farming in our county, and help our farmers meet the challenges they face and take advantage of new opportunities,” Metzger said in a press release announcing DeWan’s appointment. “Deborah’s deep knowledge of agriculture and her experience working directly with Ulster County farmers make her the ideal person for this important position, and I look forward to our work together.”
DeWan was executive director of the Rondout Valley Growers Association for six years, where she built connections among farmers, neighbors and schools. She later became agriculture policy advisor and agricultural liaison to the State Senate agriculture committee, which was chaired by then-senator Jen Metzger.
“I am thrilled to be joining the Ulster County team in the newly-created position of agricultural services administrator to continue doing what I love and helping farmers do what they do best – stewarding the land, feeding our communities, and contributing to the local economy,” DeWan said.
She will work with all the agricultural stakeholders “to put the county’s resources to good use.”
By applying and leveraging the ARPA funds allocated by the county legislature, she will help the farmers weathering the effects of climate change, strengthen their economic viability, and protect agricultural land. ”
DeWan recently served the Town of Woodstock as a volunteer member of the Woodstock housing committee and co-chaired the housing oversight task force.