Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan today launched the “Ulster County Community Champion” campaign, which highlight residents who are “stepping up and taking care of our community” during the COVID-19 pandemic. The initiative will thank and acknowledge the many “champions” caring for our community including: health care workers, front line workers, mail carriers, delivery workers, journalists, grocery store staff, public transit workers, teachers, pharmacy workers, and more.
Community members who are Ulster County residents can be nominated by filling out this form on the COVID-19 website. Selected nominees will be recognized for their efforts to be featured on Ulster County social media.
“Since the outbreak of COVID-19, we have seen a groundswell of support from community members from every sector stepping up at this critical time to help their fellow residents,” County Executive Pat Ryan said. “People like Maria Cabrera, who has sewn over 3,000 masks for our front line workers, to Gable Erenzo, who is distilling hand sanitizer for volunteers working to distribute food to those most in need. COVID-19 has challenged us, but it has also shown us the best of Ulster County.”
Last month, Ryan launched Project Resilience, a community fund and local food distribution effort to support residents impacted by COVID-19. To date, Project Resilience has distributed over 30,000 meals and has nearly 150 participating restaurants.
United Way is currently accepting donations and setting a goal of raising $5 million dollars. To donate, request meal delivery, assistance, or to sign up as a participating business or service provider visit: https://covid19.ulstercountyny.gov/project-resilience/
There are currently 716 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 11 fatalities in Ulster County.
Some more important numbers:
Ulster County COVID-19 Hotline: 845-443-8888
NYS Coronavirus Information Hotline: 888-364-3065
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